What started as far-fetched idea, soon became an obsession. I spent a couple of years researching, designing and building snow ski’s. All were a great success but the third set of prototypes were particularly successful and were punished for multiple full seasons. Life got busy and having moved around for study and work this project took the back seat. Once I get back to having a full workshop I’d love to restart this project with the knowledge I have now as I got very close to a final product that not only performed very well, but was robust and I still believe fills a section of the market which is untapped.
The skis pictured here were intended to be proof of concept and working prototypes. I built several router jigs to machine the complex geometry with a basic ‘home handy man’ router (as at the time I didn’t have the funds or access to CNC machinery). It was quite a complex composite layup which during the summer months in NZ only accelerates resin cure time, so an extra set of hands was crucial.
Everything was designed in Rhino3D and built by hand. I had progressed the design even further in CAD but have yet to build any more prototypes. I had a lot of fun working on the designs and prototypes and it was a great project to be able share with my father, something we both think back on very fondly.